Tuesday 23 September 2008

About Postar

Postar produces audience estimates for out of home advertising. The data we publish tells subscribers how many people see an advertising campaign and how often they do so. The information is used as the currency for planning, buying, selling and evaluating advertising investment in the medium.

The standard approach for media audience research is to measure the “opportunity to see” an advertising message. Postar does this and then adds a further level of scrutiny by adjusting the data to account for the real likelihood of seeing, or having “eyes-on”, the panel. It is the only media research body that employs this additional interrogation.

The research was originally conceived as a measure of roadside billboards. Late in 2006, the measurement was extended so that it could include audience estimates for the London Underground too.

Postar is committed to a continuous programme of research and development to meet the evolving needs of the marketplace. We have recently tested GPS measurement and web based interview techniques so that we might understand how best to incorporate the latest developments in data collection.

As part of a drive to provide a more comprehensive measure of out of home advertising media as well as a timely opportunity to consider new and alternative measurement techniques, Postar is currently undertaking a wide ranging review of its research.

Postar first published data in 1996. The name is derived from "Poster Audience Research". 

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