Tuesday 23 September 2008

Sound Effect Story




1.   Technical quality of recording.

 The technical quality of the recording are good and enough loud to hear and understand.

     2. Problems uncounted and overcome.

 First we had problem to record these sound so we had to do it again it were about ten. Finally we master the mini disc so we were able to record every single sound.

 3.   List of sound effect.


Zips of a coat                                                       Breathlessness

            Footsteps                                                             someone falling over

            Phone ringing                                                            Final step

            Heavy breathing                                                   scream


            Twigs and rusting


             More footsteps

             Echo of something dropping

             Running with an echo

4.   Own contribution to the assignment.

 I provide the one of the heavy breathing and also the run up the stair.

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